Thursday 8 September 2011

#21      Glue money to the sidewalk
#22      Watch people trying to pick up glued money on the sidewalk
#23      Sleep under stars in Namibia
#24      Had a conversation with a homeless person
#25      Score a free meal at a restaurant
#26      Eat green eggs and ham
#27      Test if a cat really does land on all fours…from a two storey building
#28      Pretend to be a guy for a day
#29      Be a car-guard for a day
#30  Serve soup at a soup kitchen

Friday 2 September 2011

#11      Participate in Pamplona bull run
#12      Inspire someone
#13      Go missing on a plane
#14      Be in a Beer advert
#15      Fly over the Bermuda Triangle
#16      Go to Comic-con
#17      Have something published
#18      Travel Africa on a bicycle
#19      Slap a bull
#20  Steal someone’s clothes and leave them with a unitard

Thursday 11 August 2011

Our first 10

#1      (coming soon)
#2      Have a beer with Banksy
#3      Meet Cesc Fabregas
#4     Protest for something I strongly believe in
#5     High Five Barney Stinson
#6     Claim I am being possessed in a church
#7      Get into a fight and throw at least one punch
#8     Start a crisis-line
#9      Bungee jump off Victoria Falls bridge
#10  Build a card tower using at least 5 packs of cards